Monday, June 8, 2009

So a lot has happened in the past week.
By all accounts it's a success... On Saturday the Times came to photograph it for this Thursdays Currents section, we are very happy about this.
On Wednesday we had one of our vintage British telephones stolen from right under our noses... professional shoplifters are out and in force in GCT. Well at least they have good taste.
More photos to come.


  1. Michael, thanks sooooooo much for the updates. Bummer re the stolen phone.....bless and release for the best dharma.
    Remember in Genesis? After Creation, comes the REST! Lots of it!
    Hugs to you, Doug, and Noodle

  2. To our two guys and Noodle in NYC--How we love keeping up. Your only error would be not to order! Go with what feels right-
    Loveya, thebees
