Friday, January 29, 2010

Common thread...

So I was going to post this yesterday but got caught up in the business of running a business and forgot. Anyway, as it would happen we had an incident of shoplifting today and guess what she stole...? Yes, the thread in the picture! It was such an interesting thing to steal, mini spools of vintage thread, not exactly a classic shoplifting item, although I do understand it's sparkly allure!
One can see such incidents one of two ways, either it's a slap in the face and it ruins your day or you can take in stride and roll with the punches. Today I turned the other cheek and seemed to see the humanness in it all... boy, am I going soft?

1 comment:

  1. Darn! What a loss, so beautiful to look at. Love your gracious attitude, M. When we feel nothing inside, don't we grab for the 'shiny' things on our path.......that aren't ours!
    The Full Moon tonight is a little bigger and more nurturing because of your generous attitude. YOU SHINE! As always, Hugs.
