Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary,

Happy Anniversary!!!
Today Cursive at GCT turned ONE year old, oh my baby is growing up~
I have to say thank you to everyone we have worked with, the clients who support us and all of our friends and family who stood by us as we opened our new shop in the worst economic times in a decade.
The year has flown by and I am looking forward to what the future has in store.


  1. Has it been a year???? Cursive has brought light, love and joy to many over the past year. I think the angels of commerce are helping. You are letting the 'light shine', M. My eyes love what I am seeing with all the creativity. Hugs.

  2. Wow!What a year. Your blogs are wonderful and we're sending California thoughts your way. How we would like to be able to amble by and enjoy your marvelous displays in person. Thanks for your efforts to keep us connected.
