Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am huge fan of hand blown glass. I personally have collected it for years and have spent many a flight holding onto my newest piece as to not have it broken in the overhead bin. The collection above is from an L.A. designer. They are sensitive, functional and not at all dated, even though they reference the 50's. Anyone who appreciates the special quality that real hand blown glass has would delight in one, or better yet three of these sitting on the credenza.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I took this picture of Mom at the New York City Public Library. You may or may not know that the Lions in front are named Patience and Fortitude. I asked my Mom which one she wanted to be photographed with and she said " I already have Patience". It's funny because just last year a good friend of mine was in town and he asked me the same question and I answered " Fortitude I have, I need Patience".
Anyway, next week it's back to shop talk!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

photo courtesy of M.K.

So meet my Mom, Judy. Mom is here for her first visit in 10 years!!!! Needless to say she is not fond of traveling so having her here is a great treat. As you can see we are enjoying ourselves. I love my MOM!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Humpty and Eggberta are hanging out in the window this fall.... It's really to bad that the window is so hard to photograph because this new one is really great! Douglas and I saw these wonderful handmade figures at the NY Gift and this window just popped into our heads. We love a double entendre!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A quick sneak peek at the new window...... more to come but I have to go to the airport and pick up my MOM!!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

We just received my favorite new item from the Stationery Show. It's a beautiful letterpress calendar featuring what else but Birds! Each month is more beautiful than the next. The designers really know how to use the subject matter to a wonderful effect. The really cool thing is that the calendar part is perforated and can be torn off so the bird can be used as a card {they come with matching envelopes}, talk about a good value!
We sell a lot of calendars in Q4 and I know these will "fly" off the shelves.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The road to...
I / we have been self employed for almost 15 years, now this is a double edged sword and I am by no means recommending to tackle this for yourself. Having spent the last umpteen years trying to avoid being stuck into the mold of the corporate world , so why now am I being suffocated under the weight of corporate American bull? I've been struggling to keep my head above water while the totally inefficient structure that rules my existence has been doing it's best to pull me under. I can't understand how anyone can flourish under a ridiculous amount of do nothing, cover your own back, lie, cheat and steel environment that pervades corporate America. No one takes responsibility in this culture and NO one has any sort of bedside manner or sense of customer service. What I don't get is that my whole work experience is trying to make everyone happy and do the right thing {now this isn't always possible mind you} but it's non existent in corporate culture... first dodge, then pass it off and when that doesn't work become a complete ***hole and harass until they back down. Sweet world isn't it! Well, I am OVER IT and am about to push back.
So the road? It's going my way!!!