Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The big question is: what the {blank} is this Holiday Season going to be like?
I have spent the last few weeks deep in the throws of what to buy and more importantly how much to buy for Q4. After last year's disappointing turnout of holiday shoppers I am cautious about the selection and delivery dates to fill our stockings.
My optimistic self says " this year is going to be great". My beaten down self says " be prepared to be let down" who do I listen to? Well I don't know. All I can say is that I am stocking both shops with the coolest, high quality goodies I can find. Q4 will be visually exciting and if you can crack open your wallet you will find the most delicious treats to give to your nearest and dearest!


  1. I say go for the Power of Attraction: you love it, you feel it, customers will buy!! It's a rule of the Universe! September has a 3 week Mercury Retrograde. Sales might be a little slow, October will BOOM and cash registers will register $$$$$$. Know it, Feel it, stay focused on your intention. Hugs!!!

  2. This is totally awesome! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us!!!
